Scales on Fretboard
Description: Creation of an interface to learn scales on a fretboard
Type: Frontend development
Tools: VSCode, Vue, SASS, webpack, Passion for music, Bass Guitar, Guitar, Ukulele
- Github link

What's the goal?
I'm musician since I was a teenager. I play bass guitar and sometimes I like to pick a guitar or a Ukulele.
The problem I have and try to solve with this project is my capacity to learn scales. There are a lot of courses online and I have several books with exercises. I also took some courses with a friend to learn the basics. Even with that, I cannot learn scales easily.
So I decided to create a web interface that allows me to select the scale I want to learn with the instrument I want and that gives me the full scale on a dynamic fretboard.
This project was designed to make room for new features. I will add them when I need it.
What's in the box?
For now the available instruments are:
- Bass guitar 4 strings
- Bass guitar 5 strings
- Bass guitar 6 strings
- Guitar 6 strings
- Guitar 7 strings
- Ukulele
For now the available scales are:
- Major
- Natural minor
- Harmonic minor
- Melodic minor
- Pentatonic major
- Pentatonic minor
- Pentatonic blues
- Pentatonic neutral
- Ionian
- Dorian
- Phrygian
- Lydian
- Mixolydian
- Aeolian
- Locrian
Different tunings are available for each instruments.
Some example:
- standard
- half step down
- Drop D
- Drop C
- Open A
- Open B
- Open C